BGB has always been a platform to uplift writing and digital media by South Asian writers and creators. Writing a book is a huge accomplishment in of itself, and as our platform has grown tremendously, we understand the reach and impact of our reviews.
Before sharing a book with or agreeing to review for us, please read and confirm your agreement of the following:
We believe this process is in service of our reviewers, authors, and publishers. We encourage our reviewers to read without bias and express their honest opinions. As a reviewer, if you decide that on the whole, you would not recommend this book to others, please let us know and we will not ask you to write a full review. This does not mean your review should have no critiques. We will continue to publish balanced reviews which include thoughtful, critical feedback.
If you have any questions about this policy or the review process before providing us with a copy of your book or agreeing to review for us, please reach out.
Reach out to collaborate request a review of your work, apply to be a BGB guest reviewer, or collaborate.
Find out what's "On Our Bookshelf" this month by South Asian and other authors of color.